Plywood e feletseng ea Poplar

plywood ea poplar ke eng?
Poplar plywood ke mofuta oa boto e entsoeng ka maqephe a masesaane a lehong la popoliri a entsoeng ka laminated ka mekhahlelo e mengata.Ke thepa ea kaho e sebelisoang ka tloaelo e nang le litšobotsi tsa boima bo bobebe, bo tiileng le bo tšoarellang, e sebelisoang haholo ka thepa ea ka tlung, fatše, liphanele tsa mabota, marulelo, mamati le lifensetere le masimo a mang.
Ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso ea plywood ea poplar e kenyelletsa mehato e latelang:

Plywood e feletseng ea Poplar (1)
Plywood e feletseng ea Poplar (2)

1. Ho seha lisebelisoa tse tala: Seha lisebelisoa tse tala tsa lehong la popoliri ho latela tlhaloso le boholo bo itseng ho etsa lilae tse tšesaane.

2.Kalafo ea ho omisa: Omisa maqephe a tšesaane ho tlosa mongobo.

Plywood e feletseng ea Poplar (3)
Plywood e feletseng ea Poplar (4)

Kalafo ea 3.Gluing: Sebelisa sekhomaretsi ho maqephe a tšesaane a omisitsoeng 'me u etse khatello e tsitsitseng ka tatellano e itseng.

4.Kopano ea mantlha

Plywood e feletseng ea Poplar (5)
Plywood e feletseng ea Poplar (6)

5. Ho fokotsa

6.Ho tobetsa ho chesang

Plywood e feletseng ea Poplar (7)
Plywood e feletseng ea poplar (8)

7.Base board gluing

8.Poplar wood / other veneered on the based board

Plywood e feletseng ea Poplar (9)
Plywood e feletseng ea Poplar (10)

9.Poplar wood /other veneered on the based board

10.Lekhetlo la bobeli ho chesa ho tobetsa

Melemo ea Poplar Plywood
1. Plywood ea poplar e bobebe e na le boima bo tlaase, boima bo bobebe, 'me e bonolo ho sebetsana le ho kenya.
Sebopeho sa laminated se nang le mekhahlelo e mengata ea plywood e tiileng ea poplar e fana ka matla a phahameng le ho tiea.
3. Bokaholimo ba plywood ea poplar e tšoarellang e bile le phekolo e khethehileng, e nang le khanyetso e matla ea ho apara le ho hanyetsa kutu.
4. Lehong la poplar le nang le tikoloho ke mohloli oa limela tsa tlhaho, 'me tlhahiso ea poplar plywood ha e hlahise lintho tse kotsi, tse finyellang litlhoko tsa tikoloho.

Plywood e feletseng ea poplar (11)

Masimo a Kopo a Poplar Plywood
1. Ho etsa thepa ea ka tlung: Plywood ea poplar, e le thepa e tiileng le e tšoarellang, e sebelisoa haholo lefapheng la tlhahiso ea thepa ea ka tlung.
2. Mehaho ea meralo e khabisitsoeng ea poplar plywood e na le thepa e ntle ea ho thibela metsi, e sa keneleng mongobo le e sa cheng, 'me e loketse tšimo ea mokhabiso oa meralo.
3. Plywood ea poplar bakeng sa ho haha ​​​​likepe e na le ho hanyetsa metsi hantle le ho hanyetsa kutu, 'me e loketse tšimo ea ho haha ​​​​likepe.
4. Liphutheloana le lipalangoang: Poplar plywood e na le litšobotsi tse bobebe le tse tiileng, tse loketseng tšimo ea ho paka le ho tsamaisa.
Poplar plywood ke thepa ea mohaho e sebelisoang hangata e nang le litšobotsi tse bobebe, tse tiileng le tse tšoarellang.Ts'ebetso ea eona ea tlhahiso e kenyelletsa mehato e kang ho seha lisebelisoa tse tala, kalafo ea ho omisa, kalafo ea gluing, le ho omisa le ho hatella.Poplar plywood e sebelisoa haholo ka thepa ea ka tlung, fatše, liphanele tsa mabota, marulelo, mamati le lifensetere, 'me ke thepa e babatsehang ea mohaho.

Nako ea poso: May-29-2023